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What Does Hybrid Working Mean for your Workspace?

Claire Taylor

There's a new term for a type of work that's becoming more popular: hybrid working. It's a mix of working from home and working in an office.


Hybrid working involves a workforce that is split between working remotely and working in the office, allowing employees the choice as to where they would like to work. This type of arrangement can be beneficial for both employees and employers, as it can provide a greater degree of flexibility and can help to improve work-life balance.

Many businesses have recognised that their employees can work effectively away from the office, and employees have realised the benefits of doing so, such as saving on time and travel costs. Many have re-evaluated the need to sit in traffic for prolonged periods of time when they could instead work or spend time with family if they worked from home.

A new study has found that 77% of UK employees think a mix of office-based and remote working is the best way forward after COVID-19. This could mean big changes for workspaces.

1. Technology is Becoming More Important

A hybrid workforce requires technology that can support both remote and office-based employees with the ability to work from anywhere. This may include features such as video conferencing and collaboration tools to help employees stay connected, regardless of location. Employees need access to technology both at home and in the office in order to be able to communicate effectively with teams that are split between the two locations in order for the hybrid workplace model to be effective. Technology needs to be able to work seamlessly in both environments in order for this to be possible in creating an effective hybrid working environment.

Video conferencing and presentation software are important for maintaining communication quality between employees and clients, as virtual meetings are set to become more common following the COVID-19 pandemic.

When it comes to workplace technology, it's not just about investing in individual pieces of software. It's also about making sure that all of your technology integrates together seamlessly to create an easy and efficient process.

2. The Traditional Office is Changing

The office is still important, although many team members can carry out their roles, fully remote without it to some extent. Things that cannot be achieved without an office include company culture, employee experience, face to face communication, collaboration and creativity. The office helps bring teams together and give employees a sense of purpose.

To make your office more conducive to hybrid working, consider updating your floor plan and furniture. Replace some fixed desks with collaborative tables, booths, and soft seating. This will provide employees with a reason to choose the office over working from home.

3. Home Office Investment

The quality of the home office is now in the interest of employers because more employees are working from home. Ergonomic furniture has been shown to have a positive effect on employees' health and wellbeing, so businesses need to make sure that their home offices are set up correctly.

More companies are investing in a WFH solution to ensure that their remote workers have the furniture and technology they need in order to work just as effectively from home as they would in the office. This includes investing in comfortable and ergonomic furniture, as well as ensuring that employees have access to the same technology and software they use in the office. By doing so, companies are able to create a more seamless and productive remote working experience for their employees.

As budgets for office space are being divided between the office and employees' homes, employers have the same health and safety responsibilities for home workers as for any other workers, according to the HSE.

It's worth taking the time to virtually assess your employees' home workstations and set aside a budget to equip them with ergonomic and functional desks and chairs.

Hybrid working, where employees can choose to work either in the office or remotely, is becoming more popular and has many benefits. These include increased job satisfaction and productivity, as well as a healthier work-life balance. However, the points outlined above are some things to keep in mind to make sure your hybrid work model is successful.

Advantages of Hybrid Working

1. Employees can work when they are most productive

People are expected to be on the clock from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every workday in a hybrid work environment, for example, some people work best in the morning, while others do better in the evening, while others do better in the evening.

2. Better work-life balance

According to McKinsey, 87% of employees would take advantage of flexible working arrangements if their employers offered them. This flexibility is a key reason why employees are attracted to the hybrid work model, according to Slack.

Flexible work arrangements make finding balance easier. When employees have more control over their schedules, they can free up time to take care of personal errands, pick up kids from daycare, or be home for a delivery.

3. Ability to recruit talent across the world

Want to broaden your talent pool? Your company can recruit people from around the world, assist you in moving into new markets, and ensure around-the-clock efficiency.

4. Saves money on real estate

In a hybrid work model, employees have the option to work both from home and from the office. This means that fewer people need to be on-site at any given time, which can lead to downsizing on real estate for some companies. In the very least, hybrid working will help you figure out how much office space you need to support your employees.

You can lower your real estate costs by 30% by rethink your workplace strategy. This will allow you to reinvest the cost savings in other areas, like providing more work options for employees in the form of satellite offices and smaller co-working spaces.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Working

1. Remote employees find collaborative working more difficult

Hybrid work will mean that people will be coming into the workplace at different times of the week, which can make it difficult to collaborate. Investing in the right technology can help employees stay connected and aware of when others will be onsite.

2. Requires maintenance to ensure if works well

Hybrid work requires careful planning and execution to be successful. Leaders need to strike a balance between giving employees freedom and flexibility, and maintaining appropriate oversight and policies. For example, requiring employees to be onsite for part of the week can help boost team morale and collaboration, even though it may conflict with the desire for flexibility and autonomy.

People's preferences change, so you may find that changing in-office days every now and then is crucial to team's overall happiness.

3. Not suitable for all industries

Different industries have varying levels of flexibility, which affects employees' decisions on where to work. According to our 2022 Workplace Trends Report, the materials, utilities, and telecom services industries had the least amount of on-site traffic growth since January 2021.

For more information on how Spaces Taylored can work with you to develop the best breakout spaces for your work place, get in touch today! Call us on 0843 122 9545 or drop us an email to find out how we can transform your current working environment into an inspirational place that you’ll love to spend time in.

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